Data to Intelligence Blog
News, Views, and Insights on Leveraging Data to Improve Health Care Performance
Saving America’s Rural Hospitals
How can rural hospitals employ better data analytics to keep their doors open and their operations efficient?
How Do Your Antibiotic Prescription Rates Stack Up to Your Peers’?
Peer comparison is effective in reducing unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. d2i can help start important conversations with your HCO team.
Understanding Maternal Death and Injury in the US
Standardizing best practices and ensuring compliance to treatment and prevention protocols can help minimize risk of maternal injury and death in the U.S.
Are You Considering Switching EHR Vendors?
EHRs are transactional databases and while the data in these databases is gold, EHRs are not analytics solutions. HCOs need analytics tools that can integrate, curate, and homogenize data from multiple sources to support specific areas of performance optimization.
The Overrated Impact of Big Data in Health Care
In health care, the most impactful analysis sometimes comes from applications that use “small data” rather than big data.